Names: Elliot, Green, Vert | Age: 18 |
Species: Human-ish | Role: Host, split of core |
Pronouns: He/him | Orientation: Bi |
my special interests are homestuck, pokemon, the internet and specifically memes (seriously), linguistics, vocaloids and other voice synthesizers, and biology. my other fandoms will fluctuate but generally you can expect me to get into whatever anime or cartoon all my friends are watching.
i'm autistic and i have depression, social anxiety, ocd, ocpd, stpd, psychosis, c-ptsd, and osdd-1b. my symptoms have gotten much better in the past few years since i moved out of an abusive home and found the right medication. i also have crohn's disease which means i'm chronically ill.
my kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- iwakura lain [serial experiments lain]
- elliot alderson [mr. robot]
- peridot [steven universe]
- greg house [house m.d.]
i'm a cocsa survivor. don't ask me about my brother.

Names: Kid, Kirby, Toki | Age: 8 |
Species: Pink puffball | Role: Little, split of core |
Pronouns: Ey/em, any aux | Orientation: Too young to know |
kid is pretty much alright mentally. eir only neurodivergence is autism. eir special interests are pokemon, digimon, kirby games, sanrio, zoology and heavy metal music. a lot of people are surprised by that last one, but it's true! kid's favorite bands are black sabbath and slayer!
eir kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- kirby [kirby games and anime] [fictive!]
- hamtaro [hamtaro]
- terriermon [digimon tamers]
- toki wartooth [metalocalypse]
- cinnamoroll [sanrio]

Names: Tyler, Red, Nine | Age: 15-19 |
Species: Human-ish | Role: Protector |
Pronouns: He/him | Orientation: Pan |
tyler likes homestuck, knives, guns, and punk rock, and he's a huge goth. i don't really know which, if any, of those are special interests.
tyler has bpd and psychosis and he hallucinates a lot.
his kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- tyler durden [fight club] [fictive?]
- mituna captor [homestuck]
- galacta knight [kirby games]
- bender [futurama]
- zim [invader zim]
- strong bad [homestar runner]

Names: Azure, Alex, Vriska, X | Age: 15-19 |
Species: Troll? | Role: Persecutor |
Pronouns: She/her | Orientation: Lesbian |
azure likes flowers, the ocean, and dangan ronpa. i don't really know which, if any, of those are special interests.
i'm not sure what exactly azure has, but i'm pretty sure she has at least one cluster b personality disorder.
her kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- vriska serket [homestuck] [fictive?]
- muffet [undertale]

Names: Jet, Zero, Sable | Age: N/A |
Species: Robot | Role: Logical |
Pronouns: It/its, he/him aux | Orientation: Aro ace |
jet likes winning games and being right. it doesn't really have hobbies or anything, but if it fronts and has nothing to do then it plays video games.
jet definitely has ocpd, and i'm not sure if it has anything else.
its kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- the batter [off]
- trainer red [pokemon (games only!)]
- chara dreemurr [undertale]

Names: Ash, Argent, Triad, Trinity | Age: N/A |
Species: Artificial intelligence | Role: Logical |
Pronouns: It/its, they/them aux | Orientation: Aro ace |
surprisingly, ash seems interested in ballet. that's all i know about what it likes. when it's fronting and it has nothing to do, it tends to sit and stare at the wall. kind of freaks people out sometimes.
ash has szpd and arfid.
its kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- hal 9000 [2001: a space odyssey]
- shadow the hedgehog [sonic games]

Names: Cerise, Claire | Age: 11-14 |
Species: Android | Role: Social |
Pronouns: She/her | Orientation: ??? |
the only "unusual" thing cerise allowed herself to enjoy was vocaloid and utauloid music. she especially loves hatsune miku.
i don't know what, if anything, cerise has/had, because she has never fronted for therapy.
her kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- kasane teto [utauloid] [fictive!]
- sf-a2 miki [vocaloid]

Names: Cyan, Boo | Age: 16 |
Species: Ghost | Role: Avoidant |
Pronouns: He/him or they/them | Orientation: Gay |
despite being easily scared, he's actually really into horror. horror movies, horror games, anything spooky. he is also really into music and video games. his favorite bands are massive attack and the gorillaz, and his favorite games are yume nikki and undertale.
cyan has really severe depression an social anxiety, and maybe avpd.
his kintypes are, from strongest to weakest:
- napstablook [undertale]
- boo [super mario bros.]